Article name Accumulation of Heavy Metals Caragana arborescens Lam. in the Conditions of Anthropogenic Influence (Zabaikalsky Krai)
Authors Kopylova L.V. Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Kopylova L. V. Accumulation of Heavy Metals Caragana arborescens Lam. in the Conditions of Anthropogenic Influence (Zabaikalsky Krai) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 20–25.
Section Ecology
UDK 502/504
Article type
Annotation The paper is devoted to the study of content and characteristics of accumulation of some heavy metals in Caragana arborescens organs in the conditions of anthropogenic influence. The data of the comparative analysis on accumulation of heavy metals in C. arborescens leaves, root and cortex are given. We present the comparison in the ion content of iron, strontium, manganese, titanium, zinc, copper, chromium, rubidium, and nickel with maximum allowable concentration. Analysis of C. arborescens ability to accumulate ions of heavy metals shows that this species can concentrate the metals studied in the largest amounts in roots and stem bark. There is an excess in concentrations for all the metals studied. All areas studied are characterized by exceeding the norm content of iron ions in root and stem bark, there is an exceedance of critical concentration in the settlement of Pervomaisky. In Chita, strontium content in C. arborescens leaves exceeds the norm, at background site and in Chita it exceeds in stem bark. Exceeding maximum allowable concentration of chromium is observed in all organs and in all areas. This species can be recommended for planting of greenery in urbanized territories and sanitary-hygienic zones, for maximum environmental cleanup from dangerous heavy metal emissions. The findings can be the ground for monitoring and evaluation of ecological situation on the territories studied.
Key words heavy metals, anthropogenic impact, environmental pollution, maximum allowableconcentrations, Caragana arborescens
Article information
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Full articleAccumulation of Heavy Metals Caragana arborescens Lam. in the Conditions of Anthropogenic Influence (Zabaikalsky Krai)