Article |
Article name |
Finding of Viola alexandrowiana (W. Beck.) Juz. (Violaceae) in Zabaikalsky Krai |
Authors |
Popova O.A. Doctor of Science (Biology), professor of the department biology and methods of teaching biology, popova@zabspu.ruGileva M.V. Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Popova O. A., Gileva M. V. Finding of Viola alexandrowiana (W. Beck.) Juz. (Violaceae) in Zabaikalsky Krai // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 68–71. |
Section |
582.681.26(571.55) |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper presents data on rare species of violets Viola alexandrowiana which occurs in Eastern
Siberia flora. The habitat of the species is south Siberian and Mongolian which is probably a nemorose
flora relict of the Tertiary Period. V. alexandrowiana is rarely found in Krasnoyarsk krai, Irkutsk oblast,
the Republic of Buryatia. The species is in Red Data Books of Irkutsk oblast (2010) and the Republic of
Buryatia (2013), it has 3 (NT) status, i. e. a rare species. It grows mainly in lighted flood plain forests,
wet outcroppings of rocks, riverine gravels, wet rocky skills where it forms small populations. A new
occurrence of V. alexandrowiana was first found in 2014 during the expedition research in Krasnochikoysky
district, Zabaikalsky krai. The article describes a new occurence of V. alexandrowiana located near the
village of Konkino, on the right bank of the river Katantsa, on steep rank rocky southern slope. It is
significantly far from the species habitat border. Along with V. alexandrowiana, some rare species such
as Pulmonaria mollis, Mertensia sibirica, Rhamnus erytroxylon, Convallaria keiskei, Lilium pilosiusculum,
Platanthera bifolia, Selaginella borealis, Onoclea sensibilis, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Camptosorus
sibiricus are marked to grow in the river Katantsa valley, nearby the village of Konkino. In this respect, it
is necessary to organize a botanical preserve for protection of relict communities with rare species and
control of their state in the valley of the river Katantsa, from the village of Konkino to the village of
Key words |
Viola alexandrowiana, rare species, new occurrence, Zabaikalsky krai |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Finding of Viola alexandrowiana (W. Beck.) Juz. (Violaceae) in Zabaikalsky Krai |