Article name Morphological Features of Annuals in the Genera Strophiostoma and Trigonocaryum (Tribe Myosotideae, Boraginaceae)
Authors Nikiforova O.D. Doctor of Biology, Leading Researcher,,
Bibliographic description Nikiforova O. D. Morphological Features of Annuals in the Genera Strophiostoma and Trigonocaryum (Tribe Myosotideae, Boraginaceae) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 80–87.
Section Botany
UDK 582.948
Article type
Annotation We discuss the morphological characteristics of annual species of the genera Strophiostoma Turcz. and Trigonocaryum Tautv. from the tribe Myosotideae Reichenb. (family Boraginaceae Juss.). The most fundamental tenets of the M.G Popov’s theory about hybrid origin of taxa of Boraginaceae family and somatic reduction of the body are affirmed. Like in species of the genus Myosotis L., in annuals of genera Strophiostoma and Trigonocaryum a decrease (reduction) of the size of the flower and its parts (corolla, anthers), is seen and so does variability of characteristic “ cup pubescence “. Most hypertrophy towards hooked hairs was found in annual species S. pseudopropinquum Popov and S. sparsiflorum (Mikan ex Pohl) Turcz. in which the cup over the entire surface, especially at the base, is pubescent with rough short half-hooked and single clinging hooked stiff hairs. Erem’s size of annual species in genera Strophiostoma and Trigonocaryum is larger than those of their perennial relatives. In addition, in annuals keel on the ventral side of the erem appears sharply, making its shape slightly triangular. Hypertrophic lobation of erems in annual species of these genera may serve as a basis for the assumption that the ancestral elements of these taxa could be with expressed triangular or tetrahedral structure of the fruit. At the annual species Strophiostoma sparsiflorum and Trigonocaryum involucratum (Stev.) Kusn. structural features of the sprout system and inflorescence forms are registered. In contrast to the perennial species they have leafy inflorescence, and weak, often decumbent stems, vegetative and flowering offshoots from the axils of even the upper leaves are formed.
Key words annual species, genus Strophiostoma, genus Trigonocaryum, tribe Myosotideae, family Boraginaceae, somatic reduction
Article information
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Full articleMorphological Features of Annuals in the Genera Strophiostoma and Trigonocaryum (Tribe Myosotideae, Boraginaceae)