Article |
Article name |
The Importance of Educational Competence when Studying Foreign Languages at a Technical University with the Help of the Internet |
Authors |
Yelashkina N.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Yelashkina N. V. The Importance of Educational Competence when Studying Foreign Languages at a Technical University with the Help of the Internet // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 88–95. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-88-95. |
Section |
378(14.35) |
10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-88-95 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to reviewing of the questions concerning an essence and assignment of educational competence as a component of communicative when studying foreign languages by means of telecommunication technologies. For determination of specifics of the educational competence functioning within educational activities when studying foreign communication, we addressed the available approaches to its interpretation. As a result, we specified an entity, a role and the place of educational competence in the structure of the communicative one. The author proves that educational competence appears as a necessary condition for formation of all types of the competences which are a part of communicative competence. In the article the specific features and the potential of the distance studying are described. Distance studying presents a number of difficulties and it is proved that educational competence is always designed to remove these difficulties and to realize catalyzing influences on the process of formation of a main objective of learning foreign languages in institute of higher education. The article gives the important methodological provisions defining a role and the place of educational competence of a context of distance studying foreign languages.
Key words |
communicative competence, educational competence, distance studying, technological institution, teaching foreign languages |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Importance of Educational Competence when Studying Foreign Languages at a Technical University with the Help of the Internet |