Article |
Article name |
The Potential of Training Technologies in the Formation of Imagological Competence of a Future Specialist in Advertising and Public Relations |
Authors |
Sepik T.G. Senior Lecturer, |
Bibliographic description |
Semenova L. M. The Potential of Training Technologies in the Formation of Imagological Competence of a Future Specialist in Advertising and Public Relations // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 105–111. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-105-111. |
Section |
378.1 |
10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-105-111 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The change of educational paradigm requires a change of technologies of training of
students at the University. Training as an interactive learning has become one of the innovative
technologies. The formation of imagological competence is an important component of training
of specialists in advertising and public relations, since the result of their activities is a positive
image of the reference subject. The article defines imagology competence of specialists in
advertising and public relations. The methodology we applied involved the competence and
facilitating approaches that govern the principles of work with the group. The article describes
the purpose, contents and results of training work with students. It presents different themes
and methods of giving classes. The role of the teacher-facilitator in the interactive training is in
focusing attention on students’ activities. A sharing structure is included in each training, which
gives the opportunity to share experiences on their activities. The article briefly describes the author’s training program. A seminar-training algorithm is divided into five phases, contributing self-image-making and self-presentation. Socio-psychological training is aimed at changing self-concept and the formation of professional qualities. The specific of image-studio is the participation of students in the development of training programs according to their desires and needs. Video training includes video analysis as a tool for showing the video of the students’ conduct during the training. The author points out the advantages and challenges of video training, as well as positive emphasis training work for teachers and students. Conclusions are made on the basis of a survey of students. The results say about the effectiveness of training in the formation of professional competence of the future of imagological competence specialists in advertising and public relations.
Key words |
image-making, imagological competence, video training, image-workshop |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Potential of Training Technologies in the Formation of Imagological Competence of a Future Specialist in Advertising and Public Relations |