Article |
Article name |
Characteristics of Cognitive Approach within the Paradigm of Professional Communication in Foreign Languages |
Authors |
Pozdnyakova S.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Svetlana Yu. Pozdnyakova. Characteristics of cognitive approach within the paradigm of professional communication in foreign languages // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 134–140. |
Section |
School Pedagogy |
378(14.35) |
Article type |
Annotation |
The main objective of this article is to substantiate a cognitive approach as a foundation for a methodological research of the terminologically marked vocabulary. It was found that one of the conditions of successful professional communication is helping students to become qualified professionals on terminology in foreign languages. The process of teaching foreign languages has its specific features. The application of a cognitive approach contributes to positive changes in a training paradigm. The main objective of teaching foreign languages nowadays is the development of a professional capable to understand other mentalities, ready to participate in professional cross-cultural communication. As a part of expert training, students should be taught to understand and communicate with professionals from other cultures. The cognitive component of the language identity of future professionals aims to develop a professional pattern of the world which is imposed on the already formed one and creates a cognitive image. The paper concludes that it is impossible to prepare an expert without studying and learning professional terms which serve to create a professional world pattern.
Key words |
cognitive approach, cross-cultural communication, world pattern, professional, terms, language training |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Characteristics of Cognitive Approach within the Paradigm of Professional Communication in Foreign Languages |