Article |
Article name |
Absurdity of the Practice of Applying Professional Standards to the Fine Arts Teacher Activity in School and in the Institutions of Additional Education, or the New Tasks of Additional Professional Education System |
Authors |
Gomboeva M.I. Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor, mi.gomboeva@gmail.comChanchikova E. . Senior Lecturer, Transbaikal State University, chanchikova.elena.74@mail.ruChanchikova E.P. Senior Lecturer, chanchikova.elena.74@mail.ruDashidorzhieva B. . Candidate of Culturology, |
Bibliographic description |
Gomboeva M.I., Spanderashvili N.I., Chanchikova E. P., Dashidorzhieva B. V. Absurdity of the Practice of Applying Professional Standards to the Fine Arts Teacher Activity in School and in the Institutions of Additional Education, or the New Tasks of Additional Professional Education System // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 167–178. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-167-178. |
Section |
373:37.091 |
10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-167-178 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Absurdity of the pedagogical activity of school teachers and additional education organizations teachers is that for working in a modern school it is not enough to get the diploma of teacher of fine arts in the implementation of professional standards and Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) for pedagogical education. There was an unacceptable practice which was worsened with the implementation of professional standards. The teacher of fine arts in secondary school conducts lessons on Fine arts and Art work till the 7th grade and in this case he or she does not gain the required number of hours of teacher’s rate. Since he or she does not have a corresponding document on education, he does not have the right to conduct lessons on World Art Culture in the senior secondary school, and Drawing and Painting in additional education institutions (AEI). It turns out that for each type of educational institution, a special diploma is required, a diploma of a teacher in secondary school and a diploma of a teacher of additional education in AEI is required. However, professional (in the pedagogical literature they are called cross-cutting competences genetically originate from one subject area, but general professional and general cultural competences coincide in general. The reasons for this situation are the errors of standardization and integration of this process in educational and professional fields. In the educational process design on the basis of FSES, the problem of its correlation with professional standards is updated for their consistent use in the educational institutions activities, and additional education institutions teachers’ activities.
Key words |
professional standard, educational standard, professional competences, labor actions, pair content, resources of additional professional training, retraining for a new activity |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Absurdity of the Practice of Applying Professional Standards to the Fine Arts Teacher Activity in School and in the Institutions of Additional Education, or the New Tasks of Additional Professional Education System |