Article |
Article name |
Social Space for Forming Language Contacts Between Russia and China |
Authors |
Wang Kewen .. Candidate of Culturology, |
Bibliographic description |
Wang Kewen. Social Space for Forming Language Contacts Between Russia and China // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 6–12. |
Section |
811.161.1=811.581’282.8 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Commercial relations, cultural exchanges, wars and conflicts lead to the emergence of communication between different peoples and societies, inevitably causing language contacts. Language contacts are understood as various changes, language phenomena of one of two or more languages (varieties) caused by prolonged communication in a mediocre, direct, oral or written form between the speakers of these languages (varieties). The article analyzes the process of formation and development of the Russian-Chinese pidgin in the process of interaction between Russia and China. The article reveals the reasons for the emergence of the Russian-Chinese pidgin, considers the social space of the Russian-Chinese pidgin existence and describes the features of the Russian-Chinese pidgin, the stages of its formation, development and disappearance. The author comes to the conclusion that the Kyakhta Russian-Chinese pidgin and the Harbin Russian-Chinese pidgin that appeared as a result of long-term and frequent contacts of the Chinese and Russian languages are the products of communication between the Chinese and Russian people. The Harbin pidgin was the everyday language used by different segments of the population; the Kyakhta pidgin arose and existed at the level of material culture, performing a communicative function. The methodological basis of the research includes systematic, comparative-historical, structurally functional and retrospective approaches.
Key words |
social space, language, language contacts, Russian-Chinese pidgin |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Social Space for Forming Language Contacts Between Russia and China |