Article name Nikolai Berdyaev’s Philosophy of Culture about the Prospects of “Postcrisis World”: Methodological Aspects of “The New Middle Ages” Intellectual Pattern
Authors Silantieva M.V. Doctor of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description Silantieva M. V. Nikolai Berdyaev’s Philosophy of Culture about the Prospects of “Postcrisis World”: Methodological Aspects of “The New Middle Ages” Intellectual Pattern // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 71–79. DOI: 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-71-79.
UDK 130.2
DOI 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-71-79
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the topic of a problematic reading of the original version of the philosophy of culture created by N. Berdyaev in the first half of the 20th century is caused by the need to analyze the crisis processes that constitute one of the modes of transition from “modernity” to “postmodernity” (not completed at the present time). The unfolding crisis is described by Berdyaev in the spirit of rethinking the approaches of I. Kant and F. Nietzsche, which found the most complete conceptual embodiment in the processing of Novalis’s idea of the “New Middle Ages”. Here Berdyaev formulates his own version of the dynamic method (later called the “existential dialectic”), which combines an attitude to clarify the question of the spiritual axiomatics of culture (its essence, purpose and meaning) with a categorical analysis of a number of concepts (such as “return”, “path”, “Man”, etc.), interpreted from the point of view of existential philosophy. The intellectual model of the “New Middle Ages”, obtained as a result of Berdyaev’s study of the “culture crisis”, includes both formal (methodological) and content aspects. The latter initiates a discussion of the theme of explicit and hidden “religious wars” in the light of the polarization of an anthropologically given attitude to meaning. According to Berdyaev, “religious wars” are led by the secondary ontologization of the internal conflict, which is conditionally designated by him as a conflict between “Christianity” (“culture” as “the path of return to God”) and “paganism” (a “rising type” of anthropological religiosity, “barbarism”). The prospect of overcoming the destructive vector of the culture crisis is associated with the unfolding of the potential of freedom that removes the dichotomy of “day and night” in the eschatological perspective of the realization of freedom – the creative self-disclosure of the individual on the paths of responsible meaning.
Key words N. Berdyaev’s philosophy of culture, culture crisis, New Middle Ages, anthropological religiosity, modern Christianity specificity, “religious wars”
Article information
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Full articleNikolai Berdyaev’s Philosophy of Culture about the Prospects of “Postcrisis World”: Methodological Aspects of “The New Middle Ages” Intellectual Pattern