Article name Quality of Life in the Concepts of Post-industrialism and Transhumanism: Comparative Analysis
Authors Erdeneev E.T. Lecturer,
Bibliographic description Erdeneev E. T. Quality of Life in the Concepts of Post-industrialism and Transhumanism: Comparative Analysis // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 80–86.
UDK 330.567.2/.4
Article type
Annotation In modern conditions, the priority goal, the ideal of the development of society is to ensure a decent quality of life. The author considers various approaches to determining the quality of life, especially the ideas of post-industrialism representatives, who link the achievement of a decent quality of life with the development of engineering, innovative technologies, scientific and technological revolution. U. Rostou connects the quality of life with the economic development and technological innovations; J. Gelbreyt – with a possibility of consuming goods and services; D. Bell – with a steady economic growth that will allow people to solve the problems of education, health care, culture, social protection, providing a worthy quality of life; E. Toffler – with economic progress on the basis of the scientific and technological revolution. According to the views of transhumanists, improving man by using modern technologies will solve many social and environmental problems, thus ensuring a worthy quality of life. The author analyzes the quality of life in the concepts of transhumanism, whose supporters raise the question of changing the quality of people’s lives by using nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, information technologies and cognitive science. The article asserts that engineering and technologies will allow people to increase life expectancy, to save mankind from diseases and fears, to increase intellectual abilities and personal skills, thereby to provide people with a worthy quality of life.
Key words quality of life, post-industrialism, posthumanism
Article information
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