Article |
Article name |
Social and Psychological Conditions For Professional Development of Future Education Psychologists |
Authors |
Vinogradova N.I. Doctor of Psychology, Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Vinogradova N. I. Social and Psychological Conditions For Professional Development of Future Education Psychologists // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 87–92. |
Section |
378 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article explains the importance of the problem of identifying social and psychological
conditions for professional development of future education psychologists. New professional
functions of a school psychologist have been substantiated, requiring the determination of basic
socio-psychological conditions for professional development of future specialists. The author considers the process of professional development through the category of the student’s readiness for a health-saving method of psychological support for the subjects of education and indicates the psychological mechanism of such readiness. This mechanism consists in the regulatory function of the student’s responsibility for the delayed in time effectiveness of the schoolchildren’s solution of cognitive and life problems and finding the best way to address them. Responsibility monitors the level of the student’s solving the tasks related to the allocation of causal links to the learner’s difficulties in solving such problems. The article presents the leading social and psychological conditions that ensure the effective development of future education psychologists: 1) developing a responsible choice, a way of the student’s decision-making about how to assist schoolchildren in the solution of cognitive and life tasks; 2) complicating the links between the awareness of the need to support schoolchildren in solving life or cognitive problems and subjective (individual-typological, personal-professional, and activity-procedural) conditions and factors; 3) developing a productive self-assessment of valeological components of professional health; 4) developing an internal locus of control, orienting students to increase self-efficacy; 5) solving tasks related to the allocation of causal links to the schoolchildren’s difficulties in dealing with cognitive and vital tasks in the most optimal way for each child; 6) activating self-monitoring.
Key words |
professional development process, social and psychological conditions for professional development, student’s readiness for a health-saving method of psychological support of educational subjects, technology of professional development of a future psychologist |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Social and Psychological Conditions For Professional Development of Future Education Psychologists |