Article name Features of Education Feminization Trends in Modern Russian Society
Authors Zakharova Y.Y. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate professor,
Porsh L.A. Candidate of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description Zakharova E. Yu., Porsh L. A. Features of Education Feminization Trends in Modern Russian Society // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 93–97.DOI: 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-93-97.
UDK 122/129
DOI 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-93-97
Article type
Annotation In modern conditions, the problem of feminization becomes the subject of scientific research. Feminization is defined by the authors as a natural historical process of the development of woman’s being; it depends on a system of various factors that contribute to strengthening the influence of women in a particular area of activity and in society. To analyze the social effects of the predominant feminist type of education in Russia, it seems relevant to identify the trends in the feminization of education in contemporary Russian society. On the basis of the socio-philosophical analysis of contemporary Russian education, the feminization trends of contemporary Russian education have been identified. The main trends include the intensification of feminization in education, defined as a natural social process, in which there are natural, gender, cultural, economic and political components that are associated with the formation of new socio-cultural, socio-political phenomena (changes in public consciousness, content and modes of activity, attitudes, transformation of women’s and professional communities, changes in the strategies of their development, etc.). Pseudo-feminization of education (imaginary feminization) is a social phenomenon that reflects the substitution of the essence and content of education feminization. Secondary feminization of education is a social process that reflects the reproduction of the essential characteristics of social phenomena formed under the influence of the feminization of education at the following stages of the development of society and other spheres: economic, political, social.
Key words education, education feminization, Russian education, feminization trends
Article information
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