Article name Suggestion Usage in Modern Teaching Methods
Authors Subbotina N.D. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description Subbotina N. D. Suggestion Usage in Modern Teaching Methods // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 111–121.
UDK 37
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes various teaching methods that use suggestion and notes some positive aspects of the use of suggestive influence on students, both children and adults. Suggestion is a good additional factor for the success of mastering a new material in cases where its logical analysis is not required. However, the main attention in the article is given to possible negative consequences of this application. The author considers insufficiently justified the desire to intensify the learning process by any means and offers some arguments of possible harm caused by such methods as the “Suggestopedia” of G. K. Lozanov, the “Suggestocybernetic” method of V. V. Petrusinsky, the behaviorism of B.F. Skinner and the neurolinguistic programming of M. Grinder. Such methods lead to an intensification of the learning process, but the article expresses doubts about the need for such an intensification. In the author’s opinion, the use of such methods, which offer management of the trainee’s state of learning, is a gross interference in the human psyche, which leads to a waste of reserve, vitally important capabilities of the organism. The claim is contested that this suggestive intervention is a self-regulation of the mental state. It is argued that such teaching methods are based on the principle of learning “subject-object”, instead of the humanistic principle “subject-subject”. The author concludes that the use of suggestion can have negative consequences for human health.
Key words training, acmeology, suggestopedia, stress, body reserves, V. V. Petrusinsky’s suggestocybernetic method, neuro-linguistic programming
Article information
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