Article name Numerical Solution of the Problem of Minimizing Financial Costs for Lighting Workplaces
Authors Zabelin A.A. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,
Bibliographic description Zabelin A. A. Numerical Solution of the Problem of Minimizing Financial Costs for Lighting Workplaces // Scholarly Notes Of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2017. Vol. 12, No 4. No. 4. PP. 11-14. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761-2017-12-4-11-14.
UDK 519.863
DOI 10.21209/2308-8761-2017-12-4-11-14
Article type
Annotation The article describes the task of selecting the moment of the beginning of the working day, unified for the whole calendar year, in order to minimize the total annual time of intersection the dark time of the day and working time. The solution consists of constructing an optimization nonlinear model and finding the approximate result by numerical methods.
Key words working time, optimization, numerical optimization
Article information
References 1. Federal’nyi zakon ot 30 dekabrya 2015 goda № 453-FZ \"O vnesenii izmenenii v stat’yu 5 Federal’nogo zakona ’Ob ischislenii vremeni’\". Prinyat Gosudarstvennoi Dumoi 22 dekabrya 2015 goda, odobren Sovetom Federatsii 25 dekabrya 2015 goda, podpisan Prezidentom Rossiiskoi Federatsii V. Putinym 30 dekabrya 2015 goda. 2. Mirovoe vremya: [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: URL:// =2016 (data obrashcheniya: 30.01.2017).
Full articleNumerical Solution of the Problem of Minimizing Financial Costs for Lighting Workplaces