Article name Using Microwave Radiation to Study Thin Liquid Films on a Metal Surface
Authors Krylov S.D. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher,
Bibliographic description Krylov S. D. Using Microwave Radiation to Study Thin Liquid Films on a Metal Surface // Scholarly Notes Of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 52-58. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761-2017-12-4-52-58.
UDK 537.8
DOI 10.21209/2308-8761-2017-12-4-52-58
Article type
Annotation This paper presents results of an investigation of the electrical properties of thin liquid films on a metal surface by means of microwaves. The studies were carried out in a copper rectangular waveguide at frequency of 54.5 GHz. The microwave radiation power passing through the waveguide was measured. The films of liquid oxygen and argon on the walls of the waveguide were deposited by the method of condensation from gas to liquid upon cooling. The investigations were carried out under the assumption that the appearance of a liquid film on the walls of the waveguide will change the value of the transmitted power, i. e. it will depend on the properties of the film on the walls of the waveguide. Cooling was carried out with the help of liquid nitrogen. A decrease in the electromagnetic losses during the microwave radiation passing was detected. This effect can be explained by the appearance of a high-conductivity film at the boundary metal - liquid. Therefore, the use of microwaves to study thin layers of liquid on a metal surface can give unusual and not available for other methods information.
Key words microwave radiation, electric conductivity, thin liquid films, gas condensation
Article information
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