Article name The Principles of Opening Ore Deposits in the Development on the Basis of Underground Mining Complexes
Authors Pirogov G.G. Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor,,
Bibliographic description Pirogov G. G. The Principles of Opening Ore Deposits in the Development on the Basis of Underground Mining Complexes // Scholarly Notes Of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2017. Vol. 12, No 4. No. 4. PP. 73-79. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761- 2017-12-4-73-79.
UDK 622.272
DOI 10.21209/2308-8761-2017-12-4-73-79
Article type
Annotation The task of opening with the development of ore deposits by underground mining and processing complexes (PGOK) should be based on the following principles: complete backfilling of the developed spaces; underground mine and processing plant are located in a common underground space; underground mine and processing complex are connected by underground workings; ore transportation from the mine shaft to the mill complex is on the field haulage drifts; stowing complex of preparation of backfilling mixtures based on tailings underground enrichment is above the upper horizon of the mine; there is a rise of the concentrate on the earth’s surface. A generalized schematic diagram of the opening and development of deposits PGOK is given.
Key words development, underground and processing plant, mine stowing facility, transportation and ventilation of development, underground space, development of the field
Article information
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Full articleThe Principles of Opening Ore Deposits in the Development on the Basis of Underground Mining Complexes