Article name Convergence of Educational Bachelor’s Programs in University Education (The Case of Life Safety and Geography Course, Educational Program Pedagogical Education at Transbaikal State University)
Authors Novikov A.N. Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-20-26
Article type Novikov A. N. Convergence of Educational Bachelor’s Programs in University Education (The Case of Life Safety and Geography Course, Educational Program Pedagogical Education at Transbaikal State University) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State Univer
Annotation In the conditions of uniting the teams of universities, faculties and departments, a process of convergence of educational programs, sciences and pedagogical technologies is under way. The convergence of the two profiles Life Safety and Geography Education in the dual baccalaureate of a single direction Pedagogical Education at Transbaikal State University (Chita) needs theoretical reflection and the development of a unified concept that would make it advisable to mechanically combine the two curricula. The concept could help teachers to see the feasibility in the pooling of programs and their importance in the unified educational process; to realize the possibility of forming a unique set of competencies for graduates; to understand the mechanism of metacompetent interaction in the teacher’s team. Convergent approach in research and integration strategy should solve the problem of targets. The conceptual basis of convergence is the idea of the geography of life safety (geosecuritology), which forms a special type of safe-oriented geographic thinking based on the construction of logically geodeterministic chains of knowledge synthesis, where the initial link is the natural and man-made threats to the safety of the population. The concept of geosecuritology can perform the function of a tuning fork in tuning such a complex instrument as the scientific and pedagogical team. The most important thing is that for this it is not necessary to revise the curricula and programs in a curious way, but to unite the teams of the two departments and conduct a series of scientific and methodological seminars for the teachers.
Key words bachelor’s degree, life safety, geography education, Transbaikal State University, convergence, pedagogical education, securitology
Article information
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Full articleConvergence of Educational Bachelor’s Programs in University Education (The Case of Life Safety and Geography Course, Educational Program Pedagogical Education at Transbaikal State University)