Article name Prevention of Criminal Subculture among Juveniles in Conflict with the Law through the Development of their Personal Resources
Authors Kalashnikova S.A. Candidate of Psychology,,
Titova E. . Senior Lecturer,
Bibliographic description Kalashnikova S. A., Titova E. Yu. Prevention of Criminal Subculture Among Juveniles in Conflict with the Law Through the Development of Their Personal Resources // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 37–45. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-37-45.
UDK 343.9:316.723
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-37-45
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of a study on prevention of criminal subculture among juveniles in conflict with the law. The development of a number of personal resources, creating psychological basis to confront the imposition and adoption of criminal values is considered as a psychological mechanism for prevention of the spread of criminal subculture among juvenile offenders. These include a positive, stable and adequate self-esteem, a positive attitude towards others, an internal locus of control, the ability to self-control in difficult life situations, communicative skills, future prospects and others. Personal resources are considered as a system of human abilities to eliminate the contradictions of the individual with the life environment, overcoming unfavorable life circumstances through the transformation of value-semantic dimensions of a personality, giving his or her focus and creates the basis for self-realization. Theoretical and methodological bases of the research are the principle of unity of consciousness and activity; the principle of consistency; subjective approach to the study of a personality; situational approach, emphasizing the individual’s activity in a situation; resource-based approach. The methodology of the study is made up of theories that consider the special role of another person and social community in determining human environment; approaches to the study of a personality in different life conditions; concepts of value-semantic determination of personal development. The authors present the results of the analysis of the dynamics of a number of personal resources of juveniles in conflict with the law in the process of implementing a special program to prevent the spread of criminal subculture among minors. Analysis of the research data suggests that a special preventive program for the development of personal resources in juveniles allows generating a sense of the value of their own lives, the value of “I” for themselves and others, and also a number of important psychological entities, allowing on a personal level to resist destructive influences criminal environment.
Key words сriminal subculture, juveniles in conflict with the law, prevention, personal resources
Article information
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