Article |
Article name |
The Problem of Shaping Navigator’s Professional Concept Sphere |
Authors |
Sevastyanova I.V. Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Sevastyanova I. V. The Problem of Shaping Navigator’s Professional Concept Sphere // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 55–64. |
Section |
378.0 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The features of navigator’s professional training are analyzed. It is revealed that a navigator is the representative of the profession in person-sign system who performs his duties in extreme conditions. For successful formation of competences in the process of professional training, personal qualities along with knowledge and skills of the student are to be shaped. The shaping of personal qualities, professional knowledge, skills of the navigator reflected in navigator’s professional concept sphere get the sea direction to a new level. Correct shaping of concepts enables the effective professional activity in any conditions and under any circumstances. The concepts define the content of the components which allow us to shape the competences (knowledge, skills and personal qualities), meeting the requirements of the international sea standards. The analysis of scientific papers on the problem of shaping professional concept sphere of military cadets, economists, philologists, teachers is carried out. The structure of navigator’s concept sphere which includes the cognitive and sign, communicative, personal and meaningful components is revealed. The following elements of the model of navigator’s professional concept sphere are revealed: program and target, theoretical-methodological, content and technological, resultative and estimated, organizational and pedagogical. The criteria and the indicators of pedagogical model of shaping navigator’s professional concept sphere are formulated. The shaping of these elements will enable the shaping of the competences described in the educational standard, and the elimination of contradictions in the system of training of sea profile specialists.
Key words |
higher education, sea profile, navigators, professional training, competences, concept, navigator’s professional concept sphere |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Problem of Shaping Navigator’s Professional Concept Sphere |