Article name Roleplaying as a Method of Active Training of Advertising and Public Relations Bachelors in Online and Offline Environment
Authors Dobrikova A.A. Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor,
Peskova E.N. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Dobrikova A. A., Peskova E. N. Roleplaying as a Method of Active Training of Advertising and Public Relations Bachelors in Online and Offline Environment // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 65–71. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-65-71.
UDK 378.147.34
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-65-71
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the method of “roleplaying” used in the process of training of bachelors of advertising and public relations. The relevance of its study and use in teaching practice conditioned by the acute need for maximum immersion of students in professional activities. Using the example of interdisciplinary classes on “Consulting in the field of personal image-making” the main stages of the implementation of this active learning method – preparation, implementation, and evaluation of effectiveness are described. The uniqueness of study examined in the article is firstly in the integration of two disciplines – “Imagology” and “Basics of integrated communications (advertising and public relations)”; secondly – in the learning process that includes remote element implemented on the social networking site Vkontakte. The authors proposed the roles that the students chose to perform doing the task – image-maker, stylist, speechwriter, copywriter, specialist in advertising and public relations, etc. The results of the classes give the opportunity to argue that active learning allows the student to gain experience of solving communication tasks in a team or individually. The issue mentioned that the effectiveness of the method of “roleplaying” is greatly enhanced when the teacher uses online and offline environment in the process of working with students, and involving participants in the evaluation of the work of their colleagues.
Key words active imitative methods of teaching, roleplaying, image-making, training of bachelors in specialty “Advertising and public relations”, interdisciplinary lesson, distance learning
Article information
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Full articleRoleplaying as a Method of Active Training of Advertising and Public Relations Bachelors in Online and Offline Environment