Article name Pedagogical Assessment of Personal Results of Training in Connection with the Studying of Socialization of Students with Special Needs in an Inclusive Class
Authors Zvoleyko, E.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Zvoleyko E. V. Pedagogical Assessment of Personal Results of Training in Connection with the Studying of Socialization of Students with Special Needs in an Inclusive Class // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 114–120. DOI: 10.21 209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-114-120.
UDK 376
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-114-120
Article type
Annotation With the introduction of new Federal State Standards of the primary general education for children with special health needs, an approach to determination of effectiveness of training has changed, there was a need of assessment of three types of results – subject, metasubject and personal. The analysis of personal results of training of all groups of students with special health needs has shown that almost all of them reflect requirements to socialization of students upon completion of an initial step of education. The teacher in the inclusive classroom faces a problem of pedagogical assessment of efficiency of teaching and educational process which also includes assessment of personal results of training as requirements to socialization of the student with special health needs. Problems of pedagogical diagnostics in connection with studying of socialization of students with special needs are presented in the article, the circle of the methods applicable in pedagogical estimation is defined, requirements to techniques which cannot intend for detection of qualitative characteristics of individual development of the school student are stated, and have to serve important function of correcting of teaching and educational strategy and tactics in the inclusive class. Moreover, in the article the algorithm of studying personal results of training is offered, the general requirements to application of techniques for assessment of personal results of education of students with special health needs are stated.
Key words students with special needs, inclusive educational environment, socialization of students with special needs, Federal State Educational Standard of primary education for students with disabilities
Article information
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Full articlePedagogical Assessment of Personal Results of Training in Connection with the Studying of Socialization of Students with Special Needs in an Inclusive Class