Article |
Article name |
Psychological Support of Parents Raising Children with Disabilities on the Basis of a Non-Profit Organization |
Authors |
Zaborina L.G. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Zaborina L. G. Psychological Support of Parents Raising Children with Disabilities on the Basis of a Non-Profit Organization // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 121–127. |
Section |
159.96 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article describes the experience of psychological support for parents raising children with disabilities in the conditions of a non-profit organization. Non-profit organizations can successfully carry out social functions, but the experience has not been widely covered in the literature yet. From the point of view of the system approach and the theory of psychological systems, the mother and child can be considered as a dyad. The non-profit foundation for assistance to children and adolescents with developmental problems “The psychologist” organized psychological support of children with disabilities and their parents on the basis of the psychological and cultural centers “Nine Forces”. The system of psychological support of children is built quite traditionally, but has a number of features: the principle of continuity of support, interdisciplinarity, and priority rendering of psychological assistance to parents of sick children. Psychological support of parents of sick children is a necessary condition for the successful rehabilitation of children with disabilities. In the institutions of the non-profit foundation “The psychologist”, various forms of work are used in the psychological accompaniment of parents: individual consultations, group training work of mixed and homogeneous groups, participation in various mass events. The forms of work with parents and some results are described.
Key words |
psychological support, parents of children with disabilities, children with disabilities, non-profit organization |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Psychological Support of Parents Raising Children with Disabilities on the Basis of a Non-Profit Organization |