Article |
Article name |
History of Continuing Pedagogical Education in Russia (the Late 19th – Early 20th Century) |
Authors |
Danilova L.N. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Danilova L. N. History of Continuing Pedagogical Education in Russia (the Late 19th – Early 20th Century) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 134–142. |
Section |
373(091) |
Article type |
Annotation |
Globalization, faster development of science and technology, informatization of society and growing competition in the labor market constantly raise the requirements for the quality of professional training, which increasingly actualizes the ideas of continuing education included in the international agenda in the 1970s. This also applies to the system of pedagogical education, which tasks include teachers’ training and promotion of teachers’ professional development in accordance with the conditions of social development. The requirement of lifelong training and updating of teachers’ knowledge and skills within the paradigm of “lifelong education” took place in the Soviet Union in the 1980s, but the formation of continuous teachers’ education appeared much earlier, at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. Scientific justification of that idea is the object of this article. The author classifies institutions of pedagogical education, characterizes several pedagogical higher schools and institutions of teachers’ professional development as they are the most significant for the organization of teachers’ education in the state. By analyzing the system features, its systemic character has been proven and, on the basis of two important deficiencies of this system, the origin of continuous pedagogical education in the Russian Empire has been found. The phenomenon of continuity of pedagogical education remained unappreciated and unnamed in Russia until the 1970s–1980s, when the first publications on the topic of continuing education appeared in comparative education in the USSR, which has mainly determined its terms and methodology.
Key words |
history of pedagogical education in Russia, formation of continuing pedagogical education, pedagogical institutions of higher education, professional development of teachers, continuous professional education |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | History of Continuing Pedagogical Education in Russia (the Late 19th – Early 20th Century) |