Article |
Article name |
Assessment Tools for Forming Professional Competencies of a Future Physics Teacher in the Study of Methodical Disciplines |
Authors |
Desnenko S.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Desnenko S. I. Assessment Tools for Forming Professional Competencies of a Future Physics Teacher in the Study of Methodical Disciplines // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 21–28. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-21-28. |
Section |
Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education |
378 |
10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-21-28 |
Article type |
Annotation |
When training a future teacher of physics, the orientation on the formation of competencies actualizes a number of issues related to the creation of the tools for assessing the formed competencies, the definition of criteria and indicators for assessing the level of their formation, the development and introduction of new assessment technologies. The article substantiates the necessity of solving the problem of creating assessment tools for the formation of professional competencies of future physics teachers in the study of methodical disciplines. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate, create and describe the assessment tools for the formation of professional competencies of future physics teachers and show the possibilities of their implementation in the study of methodical disciplines. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the research are the competence and context approaches. The article proposes a variant of the assessment tools for the formation of professional competencies of the future physics teacher in the study of methodical disciplines, which includes the following elements: 1) traditional (control work, laboratory work, practical work, oral and written surveys, tests, colloquia, examinations, etc.) and innovative (business games, role games, standardized tests, case studies, group projects, educational discussions, creative task-judgments, portfolios, analysis of specific pedagogical situations, essays, contextual tasks) forms of certification and means of assessment; 2) criteria and indicators of the formation of professional competencies. The article substantiates that the structural tools for assessing the formation of professional competencies of the future physics teacher should include three components: assessment tools for preliminary control, current control, and boundary control. The article proposes to carry out the assessment of the professional competencies formation level on the basis of the cognitive and personal competence components. The cognitive competence component makes it possible to determine the level of the knowledge system formation and the degree of practical skills formation. The personal component determines the personal attitude of the future physics teacher to pedagogical activity. The article contains the description of various tools to assess the formation of professional competencies formed in the study of methodical disciplines, including the study of the methodical discipline “Methods of Teaching and Training (Physics)” using various types of control (preliminary, current, boundary) and reveals the criteria and indicators for assessing students’ assignments. |
Key words |
assessment tools, professional competencies, future teacher of physics |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Assessment Tools for Forming Professional Competencies of a Future Physics Teacher in the Study of Methodical Disciplines |