Article name The Implementation of the Master’s Program “Geographical Education” in the Context of the Manifestation of Metacompetence Contradictions of Convergence (Based on the Example of FSBEI HE “Transbaikal State University”)
Authors Novikov A.N. Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Novikov A. N. The Implementation of the Master’s Program “Geographical Education” in the Context of the Manifestation of Metacompetence Contradictions of Convergence (Based on the Example of FSBEI HE “Transbaikal State University”) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 37–42. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-37-42.
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378.1
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-37-42
Article type
Annotation Metacompetence contradictions that arise in the educational process of Master’s degree students can be explained by the rapid formation of national master’s programs. The metacompetence approach is the generation of the convergence of sciences and technologies that occurs in modern science, practice, and education. Metacompetence contradictions are large-scale contradictions in the education system. They are manifested at the overcompetence level and are the result of the unification of various fields of science, methodological approaches and goals. The first metacompetence contradiction in the educational process of the master’s program “Geographical Education” is already laid down in its name, which unites geographical and pedagogical sciences. This contradiction lies in the convergence of different areas of knowledge. The program includes both geographical and pedagogical disciplines. There are also convergent pedagogical-geographical disciplines. Geographical and pedagogical-geographical disciplines are not reflected in the list of program competencies. The second metacompetence contradiction concerns the objectives: to develop a master’s degree program that is scientific or practice-oriented. The third metacompetence contradiction arises from the fact that students who do not have pedagogical and geographical education or do not have pedagogical education at all enter the master’s program in geographical education. A contradiction arises between the available and the required set of competencies. The existence of metacompetence contradictions is an attribute of the processes of convergence of sciences and technologies. The development of a strategy for their resolution lies in the theory and philosophy of geographical education. The problem is that the mechanisms for resolving these contradictions cannot always be found. However, it is necessary to find ways of mitigating, i. e. adapting to these contradictions.
Key words geographic education, Transbaikal State University, convergence, master’s degree program, metacompetence contradictions
Article information
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Full articleThe Implementation of the Master’s Program “Geographical Education” in the Context of the Manifestation of Metacompetence Contradictions of Convergence (Based on the Example of FSBEI HE “Transbaikal State University”)