Article name The Technology of Mixed Teaching Physics for the Students of a Technical University in the Electronic and Information Educational Environment
Authors Vaganova V.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate professor,
Vaganova V.G. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Vaganova V. I., Vaganova V. G. The Technology of Mixed Teaching Physics for the Students of a Technical University in the Electronic and Information Educational Environment // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 62–66. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-62-66.
UDK 378.147:53
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-62-66
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the pedagogical model of the university’s electronic information and educational environment (EIEE), which includes such components as educational and methodological complex and information banks of the discipline, modular-rating pedagogical technology based on the competence approach and automated knowledge control system. EIEE of the university corresponds to the goals of modern education in the formation and development of abilities and social value activity of the individual, gives maximum opportunities for effective self-education. The electronic and information educational environment allows the university to realize a whole range of educational technologies, in particular, the technology of mixed teaching in which the learning process is partially transferred to the electronic environment. In the framework of mixed education technology, inverted educational technology called “inverted class” is used. Its main idea is that the study of the theoretical material of the lectures, the solution of problems, the performance of virtual laboratory works, preparation for the performance of full-scale laboratory works, as well as project activities are carried out during extra-curricular time. During classroom lectures, a deeper study of the theoretical material is carried out; the teacher explains the difficult parts in class; at the workshop the tasks of an increased level of complexity are solved, because more simple tasks have been considered by the students in their spare time. Obviously, this type of activity is impossible, firstly, without the use of the EIEE of the university, and, secondly, without the monitoring system on the part of the teacher.
Key words electronic educational environment, discipline information bank, electronic educational resource, mixed education, “inverted class”
Article information
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Full articleThe Technology of Mixed Teaching Physics for the Students of a Technical University in the Electronic and Information Educational Environment