Article name Formation of a New Configuration of Additional Education System in the Trans-Baikal Territory
Authors Gomboeva M.I. Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor,
Zamoshnikova N.N. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Ivanova Y.V. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Chanchikova E. . Senior Lecturer, Transbaikal State University,
Bibliographic description Gomboeva M. I., Zamoshnikova N. N., Ivanova J. V., Spanderashvily N. I. Formation of a New Configuration of Additional Education System in the Trans-Baikal Territory // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 67–73.
UDK 37(571.55)
Article type
Annotation The article describes the state of children’s additional education in the Trans-Baikal Territory and the city of Chita. The study presents the characteristics of the conditions for renewing the content and technologies of the additional education system of the Trans-Baikal Territory and identifies the possibilities for the transition to the implementation of the professional standard “Additional Education Teacher”, suggesting the transformation of the system from the accessibility of “mass” additional education and the education of children to the task of designing a competence-saturated space in the institutions of additional education. The mission of the new standard “Additional Education Teacher” is to create the conditions for achieving essentially new educational results on the basis of diversification of the contents and technologies of children’s additional education, focused on the modern professions markets; to develop an innovative infrastructure of the technological platform of additional education with the involvement of the business community, network interaction with other educational institutions, scientific and industrial organizations, professional and public associations to accompany the personalized additional education of children and teachers as informationally rich socio-cultural space that ensures the competitiveness of the individual. This article analyzes the statistical data of the system of additional education and its institutions, considers the possibilities of introducing the professional standard “Additional Education Teacher” and approbation of the Program for the professional retraining of teachers, adapted to the modern demands of the labor market and professions.
Key words regional system of additional education, professional standard “Additional Education Teacher”, professional competencies, educational programs, pre-professional level
Article information
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Full articleFormation of a New Configuration of Additional Education System in the Trans-Baikal Territory