Article name The Problem of Developing Students’ Cenological Knowledge and Concepts as Part of the Scientific Picture of the World
Authors Gurina R.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Gurina R. V. The Problem of Developing Students’ Cenological Knowledge and Concepts as Part of the Scientific Picture of the World // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 74–79. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-74-79.
UDK 370.1; 377; 372.8
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-74-79
Article type
Annotation The article presents examples of cenosis systems from various fields (natural, economic, pedagogical) with the aim of justifying the need to include knowledge about them in the university programs of natural and humanitarian subjects. The doctrine of cenoses (biocenoses, ecocenoses) is present only in the ecological picture of the world in textbooks on biology and ecology. However, about 40 years ago, B. I. Kudrin created the doctrine of technocenoses (“technetics”) – technical products as “communities” self-organizing into cenoses with hyperbolic rank distribution of products-individuals in them. Later, cenoses of different nature (economic, astrophysical, social, pedagogical, linguistic, etc.) were discovered, which led to the spread of the doctrine of cenoses to other areas of science and to the emergence of a new teaching and a new scientific direction – cenology. Cenology is the doctrine of cenosis systems, in which objects in the ranking (in descending order of the parameter) form hyperbolic rank distributions. However, cenology as a teaching is absent in the content of education at all levels. It leads to the formation in the minds of the trainees of an incomplete and inadequate individual scientific picture of the world. The introduction of a system of cenological knowledge into the content of curricula in Methods of Teaching Physics, Modern Natural Science Course, History and Methodology of Physics, Philosophy is a necessary topical methodological and managerial task.
Key words cenosis, scientific world picture, hyperbolic rank distributions, cenology
Article information
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Full articleThe Problem of Developing Students’ Cenological Knowledge and Concepts as Part of the Scientific Picture of the World