Article name Forming the Ability of Future Teachers of Different Subjects to Use Russian As a Means of Teaching
Authors Drozdova O.E. Candidate of Pedagogy, o.e.drozdova
Bibliographic description Drozdova O. E. Forming the Ability of Future Teachers of Different Subjects to Use Russian As a Means of Teaching // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 92–97. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-92-97.
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 378
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-92-97
Article type
Annotation The article justifies the proposal to introduce a new competence in the standard of pedagogical education related to the use of the Russian language as a means of teaching in different subject areas and to ensure the quality of the educational process. It presents the courses for the pedagogical university, the content of which is based on the concept of meta-subject teaching Russian. It describes the possibilities of motivating future teachers of different subjects to master the techniques of working with the language of their subject. The article formulates the problems associated with the language that arise in schoolchildren’s study of any subject and presents the system of tasks for students – future teachers of chemistry, history, and Russian. These are the tasks that make learners concentrate on terminology. Other tasks are related to the analysis of the elements of working with the language of the subject, available in the texts of current school textbooks. In addition, the article presents the tasks that students make in the process of modeling the preparation and conduct of the lesson. The work is carried out in accordance with a special technological map. The article summarizes the results of the three-year experience of teaching the courses “Language as a tool for teaching the school subject” and “Language of school education” at the Moscow State University of Education.
Key words standard of pedagogical education, new competence, teachers of different subjects, intensification of work with the language of the school subject, types of tasks
Article information
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