Article name The Use of Communicative and Speech Tasks at the Russian Language Lessons to Prepare Students for an Oral Interview (for Secondary School Graduates)
Authors Trofimova O.V. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Trofimova O. V. The Use of Communicative and Speech Tasks at the Russian Language Lessons to Prepare Students for an Oral Interview (for Secondary School Graduates) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 103–109. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-103-109.
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 373
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-103-109
Article type
Annotation The article substantiates the necessity of using specially designed communicative and speech tasks at the Russian language lessons for preparing students of the 8th-9th forms for an oral interview. Communicative and speech tasks (CST) are represented by several groups that can be correlated with the forms of the tasks made for an oral interview in the Russian language: reading the text aloud; retelling the text with additional information; monological utterance on the selected topic; dialogue with an examiner-interlocutor. The work on the formation of the above-mentioned groups of communicative and speech tasks actualized the prospects for further research, including the approbation of communicative and speech tasks at the Russian language lessons in forms 8-9. The approbation includes special and associated use of different types of communicative and speech tasks at the Russian language lessons. In conclusion, the author points out the necessity of purposeful work on preparing secondary school students for the final state certification (secondary school examinations and an oral interview as an admission to the secondary school examinations). Such a program should represent a system of tasks aimed at the development of all groups of universal learning activities among schoolchildren, including cognitive general educational activities (the ability to construct a speech utterance, semantic reading, free orientation and perception of texts of different styles, the ability to adequately convey the content of the text); communicative activities (the ability to express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the possession of monological and dialogical forms of speech in accordance with grammatical and syntactic norms of a native language) and regulatory activities (goal-setting, planning, evaluation, correction).
Key words Federal state educational standard of basic general education, communicative and speech task, types of speech activity, monological utterance, dialogue, universal educational activities
Article information
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Full articleThe Use of Communicative and Speech Tasks at the Russian Language Lessons to Prepare Students for an Oral Interview (for Secondary School Graduates)