Article name Negative Text as a Means of Forming Schoolchildren’s Regulatory Universal Learning Actions
Authors Antoshkina A.A. Postgraduate Student,,
Bibliographic description Antoshkina A. A. Negative Text as a Means of Forming Schoolchildren’s Regulatory Universal Learning Actions // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 128–133.
UDK 81’42
Article type
Annotation The article reveals the problem of substantiating the use of the “negative text” in teaching the Russian language as a means of forming subject competencies and regulatory universal learning actions (ULA). It analyses the existing nominations, proves the necessity and validity of the “negative text” notion and determines this notion as inconsistent with the text characteristics: semantic and grammatical coherence, dividedness, relative completeness. The author points out that errors correction in the negative text is carried out in the text activity connected with the text perception/production and its interpretation. To implement it successfully schoolchildren should take regulatory universal learning actions. In this regard, the author justifies the negative text potential as an effective means to form such regulatory universal learning actions as goal setting, planning, self-assessment and self-correction by using the tasks to eliminate the inconsistencies of the text characteristics (categories). The article describes the elements of the developed methodological system to form the schoolchildren’s regulatory universal learning actions when working with the negative text: tasks aimed at eliminating errors and shortcomings in terms of content and expression of the text. They provide for schoolchildren’s text activity organized on the phases of performance. Based on the knowledge of text categories this activity implies identifying an error or a shortcoming in terms of content/expression of the text, error correction, reflexive self-control and, if necessary, self-correction of actions.
Key words negative text, text characteristics, text content, text expression, regulatory universal learning actions
Article information
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Full articleNegative Text as a Means of Forming Schoolchildren’s Regulatory Universal Learning Actions