Article name Milium еffusum (Poaceae): Transformation of the Ecological Range of the Species in Different Regions of Eurasia
Authors Probatova N.S. Doctor of Biology,
Seledets V.P. Doctor of Biology, Pacific Institute of Geography,
Bibliographic description Probatova N. S., Seledets V. P. Milium effusum (Poaceae): Transformation of the Ecological Range of the Species in Different Regions of Eurasia // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 1. PP. 16–24. DOI: 10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-6-24.
Section Ecology
UDK 581.5:57.063 (571.6)
DOI 10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-16-24
Article type
Annotation Milium effusum L. (Poaceae), a perennial forest species with weak phytocoenotic activity is widely distributed in non-tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere – in Eurasia and North America, as well as in North Africa. M. effusum is the only representative in Siberia and East Asia of not large (up to 10 species), unique – polybasic genus Millium L., where most species are Ancient-Mediterranean annuals- ephemerals with different base numbers of chromosomes (x = 4, 5, 7, 9). Commonly M.effusum (its tetraploid chromosome number 2n = 28, x = 7 is constant) was not considered as polymorphic. The study of the ecological range transformation of almost holarctic forest species Milium effusum L. (Poaceae) in different regions of Eurasia reveals the changes in the size of the ecological range and in the ratio between the holoecological range and the coenoecological range, as well as the trends in the ecological and biological potential of the species in different parts of its geographical range, depending on the degree of bioclimatic continentalization. The mutual location of the center of the holoecoareal and the center of the coenoecoareal Milium effusum in various regions of Eurasia shows what changes in environmental conditions are favorable for enhancing the cenotic role of the species. The article shows the tendencies that correspond to the degree of bioclimate continentalization. The Siberian-Middle Asian tendency is characteristic of the territories with an extremely continental bioclimate, the Caucasian-Eastern European tendency is typical of the territories with a moderately continental bioclimate, the Far Eastern tendency is characteristic of the coastal territories with a Pacific monsoon bioclimate. These transformations of the ecological range confirm the supposed polymorphism of M. effusum.
Key words Milium effusum, Poaceae, ecological range, bioclimate, Russia
Article information
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Full articleMilium еffusum (Poaceae): Transformation of the Ecological Range of the Species in Different Regions of Eurasia