Article |
Article name |
Checklist of the genus Myosotis L. section MediterraneaeO. D. Nikif. (Boraginaceae) |
Authors |
Nikiforova O.D. Doctor of Biology, Leading Researcher,, |
Bibliographic description |
Nikiforova O. D. Checklist of the genus MyosotisL. section MediterraneaeO. D. Nikif. (Boraginaceae) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 1. PP. 32–40. DOI: 10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-32-40. |
Section |
Botany |
582.948 |
10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-32-42 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article examines the species of the genus Myosotis L. (Boraginaceae) of ancient Mediterraneanorigin, which are united in the section Mediterraneae O. D. Nikif. In general, the genus Myosotisis
a typical element of the boreal flora, it has about 100 species, which are divided into 8 sections, most of
which grow in the Holarctic. The checklist of the Mediterraneae section includes 11 species, for each
species there is a nomenclature quote, main synonyms, details of ecology and general distribution. In
addition, the article gives original keys for their determination. The diagnostic features of the calyx and
the erems of the three sections are discussed: Mediterraneae, Sylvaticae(Popov ex Riedl) Tzvelev and
Alpestres(T. N. Pop.) O. D. Nikif. The species of sections Mediterraneaeand Alpestreshave identical
forms of the erem areolа, but the species of Mediterraneaesection are distinguished by the presence of
numerous hooked hairs on the calyx rather than protruding straight or sickle-shaped (slightly curved), as
in the species of the Alpestressection. It is noted that species of the Mediterraneae section are found in
the area of Ancient Middle Earth, where most species are concentrated in the Balkans and South-West
Asia. The most widespread areM. lithospermifolia(Willd.) Hornem. and M. densifloraC. Koch (= M. cyaneaBoiss., et Heldr. ex Domin), the other species are local endemics, mezoxerophytes living on the
gravelly, southern, sunny slopes of the forest belt. The article indicates the information about the types of accepted species names and gives the figures reflecting the morphology of erems and the pubescence of the calyx of species of the Mediterraneaesection.
Key words |
Myosotis, section Mediterraneae, Checklist, systematics |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Checklist of the genus Myosotis L. section MediterraneaeO. D. Nikif. (Boraginaceae) |