Article |
Article name |
The Importance of Phytophilic Zooplankton for the Ecosystem of Lake Kenon |
Authors |
Krivenkova I. . Candidate of Biology, associate professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Krivenkova I. F. The Importance of Phytophilic Zooplankton for the Ecosystem of Lake Kenon // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 1. PP. 60–65. DOI: 10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-60-65. |
Section |
Zoology |
574.5 (571.55) |
10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-60-65 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article presents some information about phytophilous zooplankton of Lake Kenon, its role in
the process of water self-purification and fish nutrition. Lake Kenon is located within the city of Chita,
there is a thermal power plant (TPP) on its shore. In the sharply continental climate of Transbaikalia, the
discharged water of the TPP influences the species composition and trophic structure of zooplankton. While analyzing phytophilic zooplankton, we destinguish 11 trophic groups of zooplankton and determine the dominant zooplankton complexes in the thickets of higher aquatic vegetation. Zooplankton
participates in the processes of the lake self-purification through nutrition and sedimentation. The activity of plankton organisms results in the decrease of the quantity of suspended solids, which contain the
following food components – phytoplankton, bacterioplankton, zooplankton and detritus. The intensity of
the self-purification process in the overgrown littoral is twice larger than in the non-overgrown part of
Lake Kenon. The zooplankton of submerged aquatic vegetation plays the greatest role in the purification
of water. The zooplankton production is calculated in the overgrown and non-overgrown parts of the
lake. The largest number of products is created by the zooplankton communities in vegetation areas –
81,4 %. The highest values of zooplankton production, which can be used by fish, are characteristic for
thickets of heated areas of bur-reeds (49,5 kJ/m³), pickpockets and limnanths (41,7 kJ/m³).
Key words |
Lake Kenon, cooling reservoir, phytophilic zooplankton, trophic groups, self-purification, products |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Importance of Phytophilic Zooplankton for the Ecosystem of Lake Kenon |