Article name Specificity of the Russian Language Teaching in a Military Technical Institute
Authors Bal’bekov R.Y. Head, Special Faculty, Lecturer,
Verоpotvelyan D.O. Vice-chief, Special Faculty,
Churilov E. . Course Officer-Teacher, Special Faculty,
Bibliographic description Bal’bekov R. Yu., Verоpotvelyan D. O., Churilov E. V. Specificity of the Russian Language Teaching in a Military Technical Institute // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 2. PP. 49–56.
UDK 378.147:53
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of training of foreign military personnel who came to study Russian as a foreign language at Institutions of Higher Education of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense. The authors describe the process of the Russian language training for foreign military personnel and point out the specifics and peculiarities of teaching not only spoken but also technical speech. We draw particular attention to the need to devote time to the terms and concepts study. It is necessary to start learning Russian from zero level for a certain category of servicemen. Based on the experience gained, the authors propose to pay more attention to technical training: foreign military personnel have poor level training, both in Russian and in special subjects. The whole system of mastering the Russian language course, in turn, should be aimed not only at teaching Russian as a means of mastering subject courses, but also for training foreign military personnel for the development of special technical subjects. An important role is assigned to the distribution of time between teaching Russian and special subjects in the process of teaching Russian at the military institutes of engineering. This approach to the learning process assumes a purposeful consideration of the connection between “Russian as a foreign language” and special subjects. There is a need to create modern textbooks and teaching aids for cadets of engineering institute. The absence of such textbooks at present slows down the process of mastering the technical language.
Key words Russian language, theory and methodology of military specialists training
Article information
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Full articleSpecificity of the Russian Language Teaching in a Military Technical Institute