Article name Experience in Including Knowledge about Gender in the Content of the Discipline “Psychology” in the Preparation of Bachelors of Pedagogical Education
Authors Skomorokhova N.А. Senior Lecturer,
Bibliographic description Skomorokhova N. A. Experience in Including Knowledge about Gender in the Content of the Discipline “Psychology” in the Preparation of Bachelors of Pedagogical Education // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 2. PP. 93–100. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-2-93-100.
UDK 378
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-2-93-100
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the description of the research results on the inclusion of knowledge about gender in the content of the discipline “Psychology” intended for bachelors of pedagogical education. At the present stage of modernization of education, it becomes urgent to include knowledge about gender in the content of future teacher training and the formation of gender competence of teachers. According to the gender approach, which is considered in the pedagogical academic environment and the sphere of education as part of the personality-oriented approach, scientific knowledge of gender serves as an instrument for transforming the adopted system of patriarchal gender stereotypes and gender representations, and consequently, increasing the gender competence of future educators. We believe that it is logical and organic to include gender knowledge in the content of psychological training for bachelors of pedagogical education, since this allows us to reveal more fully and deeper the features of the development and socialization of the personality. The article contains fragments of the content of lecture and seminar classes from “Psychology” discipline developed by the author of the work program with an integrated knowledge of gender; the results of the diagnosis of the initial and final levels of the gender competence of students formed, which acts as a means of assessing the effectiveness of the developed program of discipline. The dynamics of the growth in the level of the formation of the aggregate of professional and personal increments in the field of gender competence of future teachers is shown (an increase in the number of students having a high and medium level with a tendency to high levels of gender competence and a decrease in the number of students with an average, competence).
Key words gender, gender education, gender competence, gender perceptions, gender stereotypes, gender biases
Article information
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Full articleExperience in Including Knowledge about Gender in the Content of the Discipline “Psychology” in the Preparation of Bachelors of Pedagogical Education