Article |
Article name |
Method of Interdisciplinary Ecological Projection as One of Forms of Professional Orientation Realization during Foreign Languages Classes with Students of Technical Specialities |
Authors |
Kaplina S. . Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Kaplina S. E. Method of Interdisciplinary Ecological Projection as One of Forms of Professional Orientation Realization during Foreign Languages Classes with Students of Technical Specialities // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 2. PP. 124–133. |
Section |
378: 371.3 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article reveals the need for a modern teaching based on innovative methods, one of which is a method of interdisciplinary ecological projection (IEP). The methodologic research base is presented by the analyses of native and foreign methodic pedagogical literature, aspects of differentiative approach, competence paradigm in the field of technical and humanitarian subjects teaching, in particular, teaching foreign languages, theoretical modeling based on system and structural analyses, system modeling as well as methods of systematization and classification. IEP is created on the author’s concept of professional-integrative intensive-communicative teaching technology specially developed for the students of technical specialities. The content of IEP is focused on the development of independence of students of technical specialties, their intellectual, cognitive and creative activity. While working with IEP it’s necessary to use the direct instruction and organize the work of students in pedagogic workshop after the lessons, during off-hours. Using direct instruction at the first stage of working with IEP we change the role of a teacher on purpose from the teacher, who simply conducts the lesson to the teacher-supervisor, who keeps an eye out the work of the group and every student in particular, who helps to solve the problems. As the research work in the Transbaikal State University has shown, the implementation of IEP allows training professionals with the given set of competences to meet the requirements of modern society. The author gives a tutorial project, built on IEP, determines pedagogical potential of IEP and suggests a number of methodic recommendations for teachers.
Key words |
interdisciplinary environmental projection (IEP), foreign languages, professional-integrative intensive-communicative teaching technology, innovative methods and technologies, direct instruction, pedagogic workshop, technical specialties, research work and projects |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Method of Interdisciplinary Ecological Projection as One of Forms of Professional Orientation Realization during Foreign Languages Classes with Students of Technical Specialities |