Article name Study of Transmission and Reflection Characteristics of Microwave Radiation by Ice near the Melting Temperature
Authors Bordonsky G.S. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, the Chief of the Laboratory of Cryogenesis Geophysics,
Gurulev A.A. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Science, Senior Researcher,,
Bibliographic description Bordonskiy G. S., Gurulev A. A. Study of Transmission and Reflection Characteristics of Microwave Radiation by Ice near the Melting Temperature // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 4. PP. 80-89. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761-2018-13-4-80-89.
UDK 556.047
DOI 10.21209/2308-8761-2018-13-4-80-89
Article type
Annotation The paper presents the results of laboratory measurements of the reflection coeffecient, the phase of reflected monochromatic radiation from a sample of fresh ice and its electromagnetic losses near the temperature 0°C. The measurements were performed for an ice block seized from the ice cover of a fresh lake at 8.5... 13.5 GHz. The existence of reduced values of microwave power absorption during its propagation through the ice and melting of the medium has been confirmed. It is established that the phase of the reflected wave varies with temperature, it has a different time course after the beginning of the melting of the block for different frequencies. This feature is associated with the appearance of thin layers of moistened ice at the boundaries of the sample. The measurement of the phase of the reflected signals depending on the frequency of the radiation can provide additional information on the structure of the probed natural ice objects.
Key words ice, microwave range, reflected wave phase
Article information
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