Article |
Article name |
Elective Courses in the System of Methodical Training of Future Physics Teacher in Terms of New Educational Standards Implementation |
Authors |
Desnenko S.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Desnenko M.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Reference to the article Desnenko S. I., Desnenko M. A. Elective courses in the system of methodical training of future physics teacher in terms of new educational standards implementation // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 6–17. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2018-13-6-6-17. |
Section |
Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education |
378 |
10.21209/2308-8796-2018-13-6-6-17 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article provides a rationale for the importance of elective methodological courses in physics in the system of methodical preparation of a future physics teacher, carried out under the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of 44.03.05 Teacher Education (with two training profiles). The authors’ definitions of an elective methodical subject course in physics and an elective methodical interdisciplinary course in physics are introduced. The specificity of a future physics teacher training within the framework of these courses is revealed in accordance with the model methodological system for studying elective methodical courses in physics. A characterization of the structure of this model is given, which includes three interrelated main components: goal-setting, substantive-procedural and effective components. Approaches and principles to the selection of content and structuring of elective methodological courses in physics are determined. The article justifies the necessity of designing in the framework of elective methodical courses in physics of active and interactive methods and forms of education, modern educational technologies of learning aimed at achieving an integrated learning result as a set of general and professional competencies that a future physics teacher should have. The article contains examples of educational and methodological tasks of different levels of complexity (basic, advanced, in-depth), aimed at the formation of a number of professional competencies (PC-1,
PC-4, PC-8, PC-9) offered to future physics teachers when studying the normative course “Methods of teaching and education (physics)”, elective methodical subject course in physics “Modern physics lesson at school”, elective methodical interdisciplinary courses “Management of students’ design and research activities”, “Modeling in science”.
Key words |
methodical training system, future physics teacher, elective courses, new educational standards of higher education |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Elective Courses in the System of Methodical Training of Future Physics Teacher in Terms of New Educational Standards Implementation |