Article name Preparation of Future Teachers for the Organization of Extracurricular Activities in History: Based on the Experience
Authors Zandanova L.V. Doctor of History, Professor,,
Dykusova T.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Salakhova L.M. Candidate of History, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Reference to the article Zandanova L. V., Dykusova T. V., Salakhova L. M. Preparation of Future Teachers for the Organization of Extracurricular Activities in History: Based on the Experience // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 25–34.
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378.18
Article type
Annotation The article presents the experience of teachers of the History and Methodology department of the Pedagogical Institute of the Irkutsk State University in the implementation of the competence approach in the process of training students enrolled in the direction of “Pedagogical education” (profile “History”, “History – social Science”) for future professional activities. In particular, the authors consider the training of future teachers of history to solve the problem of formation of personality and self-consciousness of Russians through extracurricular work in an educational institution. Various forms of extracurricular work organization, which for a number of years are carried out together with educational institutions, are shown. Decades (days of Memory) dedicated to significant events in the history of our country consist of a set of activities: literary, documentary and musical compositions, quizzes, excursions, quests, exhibitions, lectures, historical cinema, competitions of small composing and visual forms allow students to show their creative abilities at the stage of training. Extracurricular activities, carried out in cooperation with students, are focused on the development of students ‘professional competencies, basic values, knowledge, skills of the future teacher, as well as his methodical culture.
Key words pedagogical education, competence approach, system-activity approach, professional competence, extracurricular (extracurricular) activities, organizational forms of extracurricular and extracurricular activities in history
Article information
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