Article name Readiness of Students to Implement the Project Technology as a Condition for Professional Competence Formation
Authors Rusinova N.P. Lecturer,
Bibliographic description Rusinova N. P. Readiness of Students to Implement the Project Technology as a Condition for Professional Competence Formation // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 44–51.
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378.637-057.37
Article type
Annotation ntegrated character, which assumes simultaneous development by the students of intellectual, aesthetic, technological, design, economic, practical and other tasks. Inclusion in a variety of activities opens up objective opportunities for the individuality of students, their inclinations and interests. In the process of the research, the author has concluded that the peculiarity of the design technology lies in the fact that: it proceeds from the priority of the interests and needs of a learner, is guided by his/her interests and needs. It extends the studied area of knowledge in the process of interaction with a specially organized learning environment in which students under the guidance of a teacher learn by their own discoveries the goal-setting and planning, modeling of ways of joint interaction, design and creation of an artistic image as a product of project activity. Technology is an organizational and methodological tool for the pedagogical process that promotes the development of talent, leadership, ingenuity, creative productivity, communicability, coherence in the collective work of students. It is directed by joint dynamic activity of all participants of educational interaction that share common interests (university students, teachers who study the system of additional education) and provides each student with the opportunity for further professional and personal growth.
Key words project, project method, project technology, project activity system, project activity, educational, quasi-professional, educational and professional project activity
Article information
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