Article name Experience of Network Interaction Realization in Future Preschool Teachers’ Training
Authors Ulzytuyeva A.I. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Ulsutueva O.D. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Kurganskaya A.V. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Ulzytuyeva A. I., Ulsutueva Oyu. D., Kurganskaya A. V. Experience of Network Interaction Realization in Future Preschool Teachers’ Training // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 61–70. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2018-13-6-61-70.
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378.016
Article type
Annotation In the article topical issues of pedagogical education modernization are considered, experience of participation of teachers in the “Modernization of Preparation of Pedagogical Shots according to the Professional Standard of the Teacher and Federal State Educational Standards of the General Education” project is reflected; requirements to preparation of pedagogical shots are given and also realization of two modules is in detail described. Within approbation of the project in the Transbaikal State University there was the collaborator on implementation of the project on network interaction from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen. The authors note that the project is oriented to practice, i. e. at the beginning of training students undergo educational and fact-finding practice in the preschool educational organizations (PEO) of Chita. The second stage is presented by theoretical studying of material when students are engaged in design activity. The results of these competences formation were shown in preparation of individual and collective products (drawing up catalogs of examples of transformation of the subject and spatial circle of group, mind maps, “the catalog of the ideas” of educational situations, projects, etc.) which promote an increase in students’ educational professional activity. Each module is directed to studying of such educational areas as “Art and aesthetic development”, “Informative development”. The authors concentrate on the problems arising in the course of the project’s implementation from which shortage in PEO in methodical materials on design of the open educational environment is distinguished, i.e. students are lacked of practical material and experience. The students have experienced difficulties in allocation of successful and problem directions of environment modeling.
Key words pedagogical education, modernization, preschool education, educational areas, educational modules
Article information
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