Article name Methodical System of Teaching Physics for Bachelors of Technical Training in the Information Educational Environment of the University
Authors Vaganova V.G. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Vaganova V. G. Methodical System of Teaching Physics for Bachelors of Technical Training in the Information Educational Environment of the University // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 88–93.
UDK 378.147:53
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the methodological system of teaching physics to bachelor’s degrees in technical training, which is basically based on a number of pedagogical technologies. The article examines such of them as a technology of modular competence-based learning, in which a set of student’s competencies acts as learning objectives, and a modular construction of the content and structure of learning is a means of achieving it; blended learning technology, which is the integration of traditional and e-learning using the Inverted Class model. In this model of learning, educational activity is transferred to extracurricular independent work, in the classroom the knowledge gained is deepened and expanded. The condition for the functioning of the presented methodological system is the information educational environment of the university. E-learning is organized in the virtual learning environment Moodle2. For filling the information educational environment, which corresponded to the work program in physics, for each type of study session, training and control materials were added to the information environment. The results of a pedagogical experiment conducted by the method of control and experimental groups showed that students of experimental groups showed on average significantly better results in mastering an educational program in physics both as a whole and separately when mastering the categories “know”, “know how” and “own” general professional competencies. Such results are related to the fact that learning using the presented methodological system organizes and disciplines students’ activities, deepening their knowledge and increasing the level of subject competence in physics.
Key words E-learning, module-competence-based learning, blended learning, blended learning, flipped class, rating control system
Article information
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Full articleMethodical System of Teaching Physics for Bachelors of Technical Training in the Information Educational Environment of the University