Article name Features of Professional Adaptation of Students of Higher Education
Authors Kiseleva I.N. Senior Research Associate,
Malanov I.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Budaeva T.B. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Kiseleva I. N., Malanov I. A., Budaeva T. B. Features of Professional Adaptation of Students of Higher Education // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 105–110.
UDK 378.035+378.147
Article type
Annotation The relevance of this study lies in the fact that in the conditions of changes and social transformations in all spheres of life, including education, modern society is experiencing an urgent need to reassess values and knowledge about a person, possibilities of socialization and professional adaptation to rapidly changing socio-economic and cultural environment. It is known that the success of the professional adaptation process in the student age depends on productivity, competitiveness, as well as process of mastering professional skills and skills of future specialists. This causes an interest in this problem. In this article, the research methods of professional adaptation are substantiated and presented. Among the research methods used were the following: a questionnaire modified by the authors for assessing the level of professional adaptation of students (G. S. Nikiforov, M. A. Dmitriev), and “Problem Questionnaire”. The article describes the results of professional adaptation level study of high school students, and presents the results of a correlation analysis of students’ professional adaptation. A model of university students’ professional adaptation has been proposed, which includes the organization of three types of activities: students’ research work, volunteer activities, and interactive activities on the development of moral values.
Key words professional adaptation of university students, methods of research of professional adaptation, correlation analysis of factors of professional adaptation, model of university students’ professional adaptation, research activities of a student, volunteering, activities on the development of moral values
Article information
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