Article |
Article name |
Formation of Teachers’ Readiness to Work with Children Disabilities |
Authors |
Kurilovich N.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Kurilovichtmb@mail.ruChernova E.A. Postgraduate, |
Bibliographic description |
Kurilovich N. V., Chernova E. A. Formation of Teachers’ Readiness to Work with Children Disabilitie // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 136–143. |
Section |
362.7 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article considers the social teachers’ readiness to work with children disabilities, analyzes approaches, considers the essence and content of “readiness”, “readiness of the teacher”, “universal professional readiness”, defines the concept of universal readiness. Readiness to work with children with special needs in development is a necessary foundation for the subsequent manifestation of professional competence and achievement of skills, development of their own style of work, contributing to the formation of professional and special competencies, which should have a future social teacher. Currently, there is a decrease in the motivation of teachers’ professional activity, lack of readiness for professional innovation in inclusive education, low stress resistance in the professional duties’ performance, lack of creativity and creativity. Taking into account the peculiarities of this category of children with disabilities and disabled children, social teachers should have a universal professional readiness, including a set of types of readiness (with different components) to work with them. The concept of universal professional readiness of a social teacher is an integral concept that includes creative, inclusive, innovative, personal extreme readiness to work, which is a sustainable personal education, with inherent knowledge, skills and personal qualities, motives, values that determine the competence of future teachers. The problem of social teachers’ universal professional readiness formation to work with special children is multifaceted, because it combines psychological, sociological and pedagogical aspects. It should be considered as a holistic manifestation of the internal activity of a teacher.
Key words |
children with disabilities, teacher readiness, universal readiness, components, readiness structure |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Formation of Teachers’ Readiness to Work with Children Disabilities |