Article |
Article name |
The Problem of Training Pupils in Listening at the Russian Language Lessons: State and Prospects |
Authors |
Cherepanova L.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, cherepanovaLara@mail.ruYachmeneva N.E. Postgraduate, |
Bibliographic description |
Cherepanova L. V., Yachmeneva N. E. The Problem of Training Pupils in Listening at the Russian Language Lessons: State and Prospects // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 155–166. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2018-13-6-155-166. |
Section |
373.5 |
10.21209/2308-8796-2018-13-6-155-166 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The place of listening as a type of speech activity, its importance in human life and in the educational and cognitive activity of a pupil determines one of the most important aims of the Russian language teaching at the present stage. Undeveloped methods and technologies of training pupils in different types of speech listening, including educational and scientific kind of speech, actualizes this problem in the methodology of the Russian native language teaching. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of development of the theory and practice of training pupils in listening in linguodidactics; to characterize the areas of researches in the methodology of the Russian native language teaching; to justify the necessity of elaboration of a system of training pupils in educational and scientific kind of speech listening. The research was carried out by methods of modeling, analysis and synthesis in describing the state of pupils’ listening skills proficiency and identifying the degree of elaboration of the problem of training pupils in educational and scientific speech listening; by methods of abstracting, concretizing and modeling in identifying research prospects. To identify the state of pupils’ listening skills proficiency and the degree of elaboration of the problem of training pupils in listening during languages teaching, including training in educational and scientific kind of speech listening during the Russian native language teaching, the scientific works of linguodidactics specialists were studied. The research has revealed the most elaborated areas and gaps in other scientific researches. The creation of integrated systems of training in listening, including training in educational and scientific kind of speech listening was identified to be the least elaborated. The article presents the statistical data of the analysis of the fulfilled researches, confirming the results of the theoretical research of the methodical literature in the aspect under study, and justifies the necessity of creation a system of training pupils in educational and scientific kind of speech listening at the Russian language lessons.
Key words |
listening as a type of speech activity, system of training in listening, listening skills, communicative competence |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Problem of Training Pupils in Listening at the Russian Language Lessons: State and Prospects |