Article name University as a Subject of the Region in Development: Methodological Approaches and Principles
Authors Erdyneeva K.G. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, eridan58@mail.r
Klimenko T.K. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Bordonskaya L.A. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,,
Igumnova E.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Levdanskaya Y.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Erdyneeva K. G., Klimenko T. K., Bordonskaya L. A., Igumnova E. A., Levdanskaya Yu. Yu. University as a Subject of the Region in Development: Methodological Approaches and Principles // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 1. PP. 6–16. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-1-6-16.
UDK 378
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-1-6-16
Article type
Annotation The article actualizes the problems of reorientation of the traditional higher education reproductive system (in the context of transitive society uncertainties) to the creative model, in which the university is intended to become a research, socio-cultural and innovative center of the region. It is indicated that the possibility of incorporating a regional university into a network of supporting universities involves the combination of ideas and knowledge, resources, interaction and coordination of educational organizations’ efforts, business partners and authorities in order to achieve nationally significant goals. The authors question the trend of gradual weakening of university cultural values in the context of economization and pragmatization of higher education; analyze the nature, models, goals, “trend scenarios” of universities, including regional ones, within specific national, socio-economic, political and academic contexts; identify the role of the university in the regional development model, determine the main trends in the development of the university as a subject of the region. For the study of social ideas about the university projective methods were used. It is concluded that the search for the optimal configuration of the future regional university as an educational information ecosystem in a transboundary region should be conducted in the context of interdisciplinary research based on the concept of “soft power”, which will reveal the new heuristic potential to create a favorable geopolitical climate. Making of “trend scenarios” for universities is based on a combination of various technologies for studying the future.
Key words university, university models, trend scenarios of university development, educational information ecosystem, concept of “soft power”, regional development
Article information
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Full articleUniversity as a Subject of the Region in Development: Methodological Approaches and Principles