Article name Applied Filtration Model of Compressible Fluid to a Well in a Porous Medium
Authors Tolpaev V.A. Doctor of Physics and Ma-thematics, Professor,
Bondarenko M.A. Junior Researcher, Postgraduate Student,
Zaharov V.V. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,Associate Professor,,
Kravtsov A.M. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,
Petrosyants M.T. Junior Research, Postgraduate Student,,
Bibliographic description Tolpayev V. A., Bondarenko M. A., Zaharov V. V., Kravtsov A. M., Petrosyants M. T. Applied Filtration Model of Compressible Fluid to a Well in a Porous Medium // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 3. PP. 12-23. DOI: 10.21209/2308- 8761-2019-14-3-12-23.
UDK 622
DOI 10.21209/2308-8761-2019-14-3-12-23
Article type
Annotation A filtration law with kinematic correction for compressible fluid filtered in a porous medium is proposed. In the approximation of a plane wave, asymptotic solutions of the filtration equations were obtained in a closed form according to the Darcy law and according to the amended law with a kinematic correction. The illustrations are presented with graphs of the distribution of pressure and density of the flow of elastic energy in a stream of compressible fluid. The calculated estimates of the size of the filtration area are given for a practical example.
Key words fluid filtration, filtration law, elastic energy density, flat radial flow
Article information
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Full articleApplied Filtration Model of Compressible Fluid to a Well in a Porous Medium