Article name Methods of Measuring the Real Part of Supercooled Water Relative Dielectric Constant at Microwaves
Authors Bordonsky G.S. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, the Chief of the Laboratory of Cryogenesis Geophysics,
Bibliographic description Bordonskiy G. S. Methods of Measuring the Real Part of Supercooled Water Relative Dielectric Constant at Microwaves // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 3. PP. 58-65. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761-2019-14-3-58-65.
UDK 537.874
Article type
Annotation The dielectric characteristics of supercooled water are required for solving problems of microwave remote sensing of the natural environment. At present, there are no measurements of the real part of the relative dielectric constant for temperatures below -18 °C. The paper proposes a method for measuring the real part of relative dielectric constant using waveguide resonators. A dispersed humidified medium with nanometer-sized pores is placed in the resonator to achieve a deep supercooling of water. To eliminate the influence of medium inhomogeneities caused by moisture migration during its freezing and manifestation of distortions of resonant curves, it is proposed to use waveguide resonators of increased sizes. In this case, due to averaging of the properties of the medium over the cavity volume, oscillation is smoothed on the resonance transmission curves of the resonator and the effect of inhomogeneities on the results of determining the resonance parameters is eliminated. In the performed experiment, a rectangular resonator with a length equal to the wavelength in the waveguide, corresponding to the cross section, was used. Compared with the half-wave resonator, it was possible to obtain significantly better form of resonant curve and determine the shift of the resonant frequency with decreasing temperature of the humid medium. Possible errors in the recovery of the dielectric characteristics of supercooled water are given, which should be taken into account in the measurements. It is supposed to achieve an accuracy of measuring the real part of the dielectric constant of about ten percent at centimeter wavelength range for temperatures from -20 to -60 °C.
Key words supercooled water, dielectric constant, microwaves, nanoporous medium, resonator measurements
Article information
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Full articleMethods of Measuring the Real Part of Supercooled Water Relative Dielectric Constant at Microwaves