Article name Preparation of the Future Teacher for the Implementation of the Regional Component in the Study of History in School: Practical Work Experience
Authors Zandanova L.V. Doctor of History, Professor,,
Kulakova Y.V. Candidate of Historiy,
Bibliographic description Zandanova L. V., Kulakova Ya. V. Preparation of the Future Teacher for the Implementation of the Regional Component in the Study of History in School: Practical Work Experience // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 68–75. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-4-68-75.
UDK 378.637
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-4-68-75
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to an actual topic connected with the preparation of students in the direction of “Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)” specialization (History-Social Studies), as well as the master’s program “Historical education” towards the implementation of the regional component in the study of history in school. The authors present their own experience in this area; show the logic of building educational programs, forms and methods of work aimed at: the formation of competences of future history teachers. The research is based on the competence approach taking into account the system-activity approach to the organization of training. The authors concluded that in the modern system of teaching history in educational institutions, based on the historical and cultural standard, an important role is given to the regional component. Local studies, which are in demand in modern society, are aimed at the study and research of their native land, as a means of moral and patriotic personal education. Preparation for the conduct of local studies activities should be carried out in pedagogical universities through the acquisition of theoretical knowledge when studying of specialized and special disciplines, practical skills during the period of training and pedagogical practices, writing graduation qualification works, conducting research on topics of local studies.
Key words regional studies, regional component, pedagogical education, regional history, Irkutsk region, Siberia
Article information
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Full articlePreparation of the Future Teacher for the Implementation of the Regional Component in the Study of History in School: Practical Work Experience